hiii! i’m KP. dancer, coffee lover, and believer in your limitless potential.

hiii! i’m KP. dancer, coffee lover, and believer in your limitless potential. ✿

i believe i came into your life for a reason.

living in alignment can be easy.

i’m here to help you craft a career and lifestyle that lights your soul on fire, find your purpose with peace of mind, and align with the best version of you.

around here, we believe in internal alignment and a full cup coming FIRST. when you feel good, your manifestations follow.


the vision


building self trust and intuition

shifting perspectives

building mindset first as a foundation leads to success in every area of your life

i share my daily life and mindset perspectives online to help you believe in yourself deeper, love yourself more, and live in alignment with who you are at your core.

i’m the type of friend that loves to hear your life story on late night phone calls, always wants the absolute best for you, and puts loyalty and trust over everything.

when working with me, you can bet on feeling seen, heard, and valued. we'll laugh, cry, and celebrate your massive growth together.

in the rearview mirror, my story is so empowering—i went from a miserable college student who decided to heal herself to living my dream life in my dream apartment supporting my dream clients full time. but i promise, each step was scary in the moment. it took a lot of healing, intentional mindset work, and limitless self love.

i embodied my vision, learned to ask for help, and trusted that my success was inevitable. yours is, too.

i dedicated myself to studying the laws of manifestation, self development, the ikigai, psychology, inter- and intra-personal communication, and developing the KP alignment method. now, i get to help you create the life and career of your dreams.

kp’s faves



of alignment,




it all starts with saying yes to yourself

take it from the girlies…