five to thrive

welcome to your oasis of peace and abundance, where mindfulness meets momentum.

your ultimate companion on your journey to a healthier, happier you.

picture this: a vibrant digital sanctuary where every click sparks growth. it's not just another challenge; it's your personal coach, cheerleader, and safe space rolled into one.

five to thrive

five to thrive ✿

you’re not a failure, you just weren’t set up for success. today is the day you stop putting your happiness up for collateral against the goals.

“once i lose the weight… once i sign the client… once i eat better…” sound familiar?

clarity. peace. vitality.

if i’m sure of anything, it’s that you deserve more than this. you shouldn’t feel like a failure. you shouldn’t feel stuck. you shouldn’t feel this frustration.

here, your goals are centered around clarity, peace, and vitality.


show up completely authentically you and grow with other thrivers


you can’t go wrong with kp’s vault of resources and live support


12 weeks of group coffee chats to check in and get real time support directly from your coach, kp


every step is intentional, raw, pure, and impactful.


this is not a one-size-fits-all challenge. this is tailored to you and every thriver’s experience is different

how five to thrive works

five aligned focuses, so we simply can’t miss.

nourishment, mental health, self care, movement, and passion. (the fun and super cool part: they don’t look the same or even go in the same order for everyone)

progressive growth, so you can truly trust the process.

you’ll get to be inspired + watch others that are ahead of you living in the success, and root for new members when you’re on the other side of it. community support is everythinggg!!!

the ladder method, so your foundation is solid and your fears of failure can vanish.

working with KP in the program, you’ll be supported in organizing your 5 focuses based on strength, confidence, self trust, and energetic output

there can never be a one-size-fits-all approach to success. that’s why this program guides you to create YOUR success story, using this malleable method.

resources galore, so you’ll always be caught if you trip.

daily journal prompts, weekly reflection and intention setting booklets, weekly guided meditation audios, bonus trainings to interrupt mindset blocks.

PLUS! a downloadable Notion tracker created by our in house Notion expert to track your 5 week program.

habit stacking and aligned implementation, so you’re never overwhelmed.

your confidence will organically grow as the program progresses. we use the psychology of habit building to ensure your your focus is crystal clear every week.

you’ve tried to change your life with a one-size-fits-all challenge like 75 hard, and it didn’t work out.

you're ready to reconnect with your body and mind on a deeper level.

you crave harmony between your physical and mental well-being.

you seek balance in every aspect of your life, from work to relationships.

you're determined to break free from stress and embrace inner peace.

you're open to holistic practices that nurture both body and soul.

you're committed to cultivating a lifestyle that aligns with your highest self.

you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

you're seeking a supportive community to accompany you on your path to alignment.

five to thrive

is for you if…

the five to thrive

self care

the vessel for your well being


the energized body and mind

mental health

the key to inner peace and sustainable growth


the recipe for fueling your best self


the heartbeat of your purpose

meet your coach, kp :)

i started my online business during college at 19 with the intention to make the world a better place through my creativity and voice.

my story behind five to thrive is unique, because it didn’t start as a business idea at all…

my partner and i kept trying different challenges, and none of them worked out (where are my 75 hard veteran girlies at??)

we’d find ourselves compartmentalizing, putting our happiness up for collateral against one superficial goal…

“once i lose the weight, i’ll buy the clothes i want”

“once i make more money, i’ll feel happier”

“once i get through this month, i’ll start prioritizing myself”

watching us fall into the same cycle again and again was exhausting and frustrating.

i craved change for both of us, and it was clear that there is NO one size fits all method for alignment.

that’s when i decided to create a program made FOR HER from scratch — based on her unique needs, history, mental health, interests, and personality.

it completely changed her life and ended the cycle for both of us. now that program is called five to thrive, and it’s here to change your life too.

watch the FREE training that breaks down the 5 week method

you’ll learn my 5 golden components to success and alignment in your life, with steps on how to change your life TODAY

how i was able to build an online business that brings in multiple six figures while i work on my own time at just 19 years young

the perfect 5 week plan to prioritize the most valuable part of your happiness that 87% of people ignore (which will bring you more money, more happiness, and infinite opportunities)

watch the five to thrive series on youtube

five to thrive didn’t start as a business idea.

it started as a way to heal my relationship and change our lives for the better. i am sharing the raw experience on youtube to show you that five to thrive truly works.

course notion portal with 25+ coaching videos

lifetime access to your course hosted in Notion. a vault of masterclasses: set up your unique 5 weeks with KP’s guidance and mentorship, define your healthy habits, plug into weekly mindset support (like imposter syndrome trainings and manifestation guides), and masterclasses on each of the 5 elements. (VALUED AT $1,350)

community connection Geneva group

put yourself in the room with other thrivers on the same journey as you! use our members-only Geneva group for 3 months to ask questions, connect with others, share wins, and get updates from your coach! (VALUED AT $199/MO)

exactly what you get inside

meditation and mindset portal

listen to weekly meditation guides to activate and realign your mindset. stay in alignment with NEW mindset masterclasses being added consistently to the program vault. (VALUED AT $500)

weekly coffee chats with your mentor

get live support from your mentor, KP at our weekly coffee chat calls inside the Geneva group! this is the opportunity to ask questions live, connect in real time, and get personalized advice and support. (VALUED AT $444)

digital downloads and journals

use your 10+ digital downloads and DAILY journal prompts to keep moving the needle forward. PLUS bonus downloads, like phone wallpapers and affirmation cards. (VALUED AT $325)

your personal Notion template tracker

created by our in-house Notion systems expert, you get exclusive access to download and customize your Notion five to thrive tracker! this is a tool to hold yourself accountable and repeat five to thrive again and again later in your life! track your progress, mood, reflections, streaks, and more. (VALUED AT $885)

that’s a total value of almost $4,000

i’m inviting you to join me as a founding member of of FIVE TO THRIVE for just…


activate your payment plan at checkout to pay just $111 today!!!

take it from the girlies…

are you ready for your summer glow up? let’s make summer ‘24 your ERA!

make today your day one.

will i see you inside?!

your q’s answered

  • your course will guide you through KP’s five to thrive method with clear action items and resources. tune into the podcast Perspective with Kaylee Phillips to hear some member experience stories!

  • yes! i am present at every weekly coffee chat live call, hosted in our private facebook group. i’m there to guide you, support you, and answer your questions!

  • live meetings are not mandatory! they are there for you to ask questions and have live time with KP. you can still ask questions through our community group, and live calls ARE RECORDED!

  • the program is designed to be completed in 5 weeks. you have 12 weeks access to the facebook community and weekly calls (meaning 12 calls total), and you’ll have LIFETIME access to the Notion portal that houses your program modules and trainings (meaning you can start five to thrive again any time for life).

  • five to thrive enrolls new members every week, but let’s reflect for a minute together… you’re reading this for a reason. you’ve tried it on your own, and it didn’t work (and it wasn’t fun!) here, success is a beautiful, powerful experience. say yes to YOURSELF.

  • five to thrive is a pre recorded course designed for flexibility during implementation. you’ll have weekly live meetings and unlimited access to ask questions in the Facebook group for real time personal support!

  • send me a Direct Message on Instagram @alignwithkp! i am more than happy to chat through your questions and see if five to thrive is the right fit.